July’s TACO Party – Christmas in July!

Friday  7/28/2023 was the TACO Truck event for The Alliance for Creative Outreach (https://taconetwork.org ).  TACO is a developing network of Christian content creators to be faithful to Christ in their content creation and community building, with training, support, and resources for content creators.

  • Join the Discord community for Christian fellowship!  Link: https://discord.gg/BwPBv8GhpK
  • Content creators, contact XtianNinja to take the content creator class for free.
  • We can always use volunteers to help run TACO. Right now, we’d love to add people who would like to do some Fundraising, Marketing, Video Editing, or Social Media. But we can use ALL forms of help – especially prayer!

For our “Final Friday” event, instead of a raid train, we had a stream takeover! The whole team appeared on my stream, https://twitch.tv/ukulele4worship , to talk and play together!

This month’s theme was chosen by TACO Board Chair and Team Member, Ukulele4Worship . The theme was “Christmas in July”. The referenced Bible Passage for the devotional was John 3:16 ESV “For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”

We talked about Christmas gifts. No cookies or carols. The TEAM talked about the gifts they would have liked to receive as a child, and then Ukulele4Worship surprised them by packing a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child with the gifts they had named!

The team competed in a photo scavenger hunt, and chat got to vote on who chose the best Christmas photos! Then we played a community game with chat called “Stream Animals”. (No install needed! You can play from chat!)

We also gave away 4 Steam gift cards worth $25 each. Merry Christmas-in-July to the winners:
@CastorTroy101 @MicahPlayz_YT @ThatOneOrisaMain and @redeemedjay090