We need your support to share God’s love with lost, lonely and disenfranchised people around the world.
Volunteer Your Creative Skills & Gifts
We have leadership positions that need to be filled. We have committees and groups that need to be led. We need experts in certain technologies, in marketing, in fundraising and non-profit/charity finance, and other areas. We’d love to occasionally partner with other groups for special events. We’d love to have some prayer warriors on our side.
Invite XtianNinja to Speak
Whether you’re looking to bridge the gap between digital and traditional ministry, interested in welcoming the ‘nerd culture’ to your church, or looking to identify and train content creators within your church- XtianNinja can bring the experience, guidance, and resources needed to make that happen.
Donate Financially
The TACO Network is now an official Non-Profit in the US! This enables us to provide more resources and events for creators by taking charitable donations. You can fill out the form below to donate to TACO or go to the following link https://givebutter.com/TACONetwork. You can also support any of our team members by subscribing to their Twitch channels or giving bits while they are live.
Contact us for information on how you can get involved!