01 Statement of Beliefs

The Alliance For Creative Outreach (TACO) is an organization for Christian Outreach, and is organized around a specific set of Christian beliefs. Those beliefs are spelled out in our Statement of Beliefs document.

02 Missional Statements

The Elevator Speech is used to quickly describe the organization’s purpose and activities. The Mission Statement describes the purpose, priorities, and activities of the organization. It can be used as a reference when making decisions for the organization’s activities and planning.

03 Code of Conduct

The code of conduct outlines how directors and creators should behave to reflect the organization’s wider mission. The Code of Conduct describes behavior requiring termination, provides guidelines, and presents the procedure for submitting complaints. It does not cover requirements and responsibilities.

04 TACO Team Members Handbook

The onboarding steps, action items, and regular requirements for TACO Team Members.

05 TACO Target Program (Continued Involvement Plan)

TACO Target points are used to track TACO Team Members’ involvement in the organization. This point system allows TACO Team Members to be involved with TACO as an official creator in ways that make sense for their style of content, their availability, and their giftings.

06 Bylaws

The rules and regulations enacted by an association or a corporation to provide a framework for its operation and management.  Bylaws generally provide for meetings, elections of a board of directors and officers, filling vacancies, notices, types and duties of officers, committees, assessments and other routine conduct. Bylaws are, in effect a contract among members, and must be formally adopted and/or amended.

07 Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is an internal document (not available on the website) for Executive Director and Board Chair to use as reference. It is a living document which provides more detail on how the organization approaches various topics and activities, organizational history and lore, and guidance for decision making. Because it is a living document, members are not required to agree to it.