TACO Content Creator Training Class
Course Summary
The TACO Training Class is a comprehensive and holistic program that equips Christian content creators with the necessary life skills and character traits to excel in their creative endeavors. The program consists of eight classes (one 1.5hrs per week) that delve into the why, how, and for whom of purposeful content creation. You will learn how to communicate, understand people’s needs, build digital communities, figure out your vision, and set and keep your priorities. You will also discover how God wants to use your specific spiritual gifts and talents, who you are serving, and how to be a good steward of your servant-leadership.
By signing up for the course, you will also benefit from the content evaluation and feedback process, where you will receive constructive and useful comments from peers and trainer(s) who understand your goals and challenges. You will also become a TACO Trainee, which gives you access to special areas of our Discord, where you can chat with our TACO Team Members and other creators. You will also have the opportunity to participate in special events and collaborations that will help you promote your channel and grow your audience.
The TACO Training Class is more than just a technical training; it’s a supportive and collaborative community that helps you understand your mission, develop your character, and use your creativity effectively.

This course is available to Content Creators of any variety: Artists, YouTubers, Streamers, Musicians, Writers… anyone who is using their creative abilities to serve God and connect with people through their chosen medium. The only caveat is that once the roster is full, the class will be closed to new members to facilitate building relationships and encourage people to share.
Course Materials
Creators who take the course will receive a digital copy of XtianNinja’s book, “The Art of Digital Influence: Purposeful Content Creation and Online Community Building” which is based on an adapted form of John Maxwell’s E.Q.U.I.P. Leadership Program.
Assessment Methods
Trainees are expected to make a good faith effort to attend and participate in class each week, including reading the assigned passage. They will also participate in weekly content evaluations, which will require time to view and evaluate creative content based on a set feedback form we’ve already developed. Trainees who are inconsistent in attendance or participation may be asked to step back and sign up again in the future. There is no testing or grading for the class.
Instructor Bio
The course is taught by Al “XtianNinja” Descheneau, a full-time content creator and digital pastor with years of experience. He has a unique perspective on the support, discipleship, and affirmation needed within the Christian content creator community.

Course Outline
Week 1: Who Me? A Creator?
Week 2: How to Discover Your Audience
Week 3: The Character of a Creator
Week 4: How to Identify and Implement a God Given Vision
Week 5: How To Make the Most of Your Time
Week 6: How to Make “Good Content”
Week 7: How To Build a Strong Community
Week 8: How to Keep Your Audience (+ Strategic Planning for Long Term Growth)
Where will the class be held?
Discord Live Class: The live class will be held via Discord, a community-based communication platform. This scheduled class will be meeting Saturdays at 12pm EST, starting April 6. The meeting will be in a voice channel, with text discussions in a related channel. It will be run by XtianNinja.
New for 2024: We’re also trying out a “virtual training” version of the class, for our trainees in different time zones or with challenging schedules. This class will also be held in Discord for 8 weeks starting April 6, but without the time constraints of showing up for a scheduled timeslot. Each week, trainees will independently watch a pre-recorded video lesson from Al “XtianNinja” Descheneau, then participate in guided discussions similar to the live class, but in a Discord text channel. This class will also do the peer-to-peer content evaluations. The virtual class is facilitated by Maria “Ukulele4Worship” Helm.
Is this class private? Yes, this class is private and uses private Discord channels that only confirmed class members, alumni, and TACO staff have access to. All sharing and content within it is intended to stay in the class. If you can’t handle keeping people’s confidences, do not sign up.
Do I get to be on the TACO Team if I take the Class? No, taking the class does not automatically qualify you to join the TACO Team. The goal of the class should be to improve your content and be more faithful to God in your content creation. If you are interested in becoming a TACO Team Member, you will need to complete an application and meet some requirements. You will need to be active in the TACO Discord Community, complete the training and address any serious issues found during evaluation, and consistently create content on at least one platform, with a minimum of 300 followers. If you meet these criteria, you can ask any of the TACO Leadership Team for an application, where you will tell us about yourself, your content, and your community. The TACO Leadership Team and TACO Team Members will vote on your application, based on your content and their experiences with you so far. If you pass, you will be welcomed as a TACO Team Member. We would love to have you join us!