August Team Party Stream

Come join the TACO Team for some fun on Friday 8/30 while we chat, play UNO, and learn about making God the center of your life (the “uno,” if you will) using Colossians 3:12-17

TACO Opportunities

TACO needs your help. A few of the roles we’d like to fill are posted in the taco-opportunities channel on Discord – but really we would love to have ANYONE who wants to help in ANY way supporting Christian content creators. If you think that might be you, email or DM XtianNinja or Ukulele4Worship […]

July TACO Team Party Stream

Join the team on DonnieDreams channel! Find us there Friday 7/26 from 5-7pm ET for a Fun Friday event! See if we can employ all our teamwork skills in “Chained Together” – every time we fall there is a game giveaway!

Friday Fiestas in Discord

Hang out with friends in a Discord voice chat every Friday night. Play games, talk, or just listen in.

Class for Christian Content Creators!

UPDATE: BOTH CLASSES ARE NOW FULL Looking forward to meeting with you all this Saturday!

Achievement Unlocked: T.A.C.O. is officially a non-profit!

The Alliance for Creative Outreach (TACO) is so excited to announce that we are officially a 501(c)(3) nonprofit! (This means that we’re an officially registered charitable organization with the IRS.) want to thank the TACO Board, and especially TheQuizKing as our Financial Director, for their hard work creating the organizational structure and bylaws and […]

January TACO Team Party Stream